Quality leather handbag can make you look even more elegant in her simple dress and simple.Leather bag can be said is 'a big investment' in terms of style.
Surely you do not want leather bag is damaged or dirty pet, because of-life can be reduced. For that know how to care for leather handbags that always look like new condition, although it had been used long enough.
- Watch instructions
Note the instructions on how to clean the bags in the packaging. Quality leather handbag is usually accompanied by a booklet instructions on how to care for her. If no, perhaps wastage when you open the packaging. You can ask again at the place of purchase bags. Because, some types of leather bags needed special care.
- Save on fabric protector
When buying a leather bag is usually accompanied by a soft cloth bag designed to protect the bag during storage. Do not throw it away. Use these bags as a protective bag when you save it, to keep the bag from dust and scratches.
- Avoid the water
Avoid placing the bag in place that can get wet or damp. Humidity can trigger the growth of fungi that can damage the display bag. Place in a dry place, and place the silica gel or mothballs to prevent damp.
- Avoid the hot weather
Do not let the bag of skin exposed to direct sunlight or heat. It can damage the color or make the skin crack bags. So, do not leave your leather bag in the car and let it terpakir exposure to sunlight.
- Use a quality leather cleaner
To clean them use a quality leather cleaner bags. Choose a cleanser that is specifically for cleaning the skin. Read also the instructions in detail. Wash at least once a month so that the leather bag you always look new when used.
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